
Monday, October 23, 2006

Stonewall Bar and Its Renovation

This past Saturday as I walked to my friend Mikes apartment, I passed the Stonewall bar. Displayed in the window was a huge sign saying, "Closed for renovation", I wondered what kind of renovation? A few weeks back I heard that it was closing for good.

You would think with all the stories of gay liberation starting from of that bar, that someone with some money and clout in the gay community would turn into a museum.
Instead as community we just keep saving and spending our money for the next circuit party. I know over the years it had gone through some major changes, likewise so has the gay community.

If only the gay community had a place to look at pictures and stories of our past. They can also run it as art gallery with exhibits throughout out the year. I know so many men who have photos and artifacts that they would like to turn over to a place that can store them.


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